Monday, November 11, 2013

What is Sciatica and How Magnesium Helps in Treatment?

What is Sciatica?

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a pain affecting commonly the sciatic nerve, this is a large nerve extending from the lower back down at the back of each leg.

Symptoms of Sciatica

The following are the common symptoms of sciatica

  • Experiencing pain in the rear or leg that is worse than sitting
  • Experiencing burning or tingling down the leg
  • Experiencing weakness, numbness, or trouble in moving the leg or foot
  • Experiencing constant pain on one side of the rear
  • Experiencing shooting pain that makes it hard to stand-up

Complications from Sciatica

Some people may experience severe and debilitating pain from sciatica. But be aware that sciatica has the potential get even worse if not treated immediately.

How to Treat Sciatica with Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that is also crucial to our body’s function, and helps in keeping blood pressure normal, making bones strong, and the heart rhythm steady.

Magnesium helps in relieving pain and making our bones strong, with this it was found that magnesium helps in treating sciatica.

If you want to take magnesium to help treat signs or symptoms of sciatica then you need to take magnesium in supplements form.